Logging and Latency

This post is the product of this thread

Hello there, sometime last year I was dealing with large csv files (200k rows) and noticed performace dropped significantly when i added some logging into the row handler.

The general flow of the code is shown below:

stream.on('data', () => {

We want to look at the impact of logging on latency. We explore the following loggers

We’d first see raw response times for a demo bare metal http server (with expressJs) Then we’d run a benchmark with the package

I could not figure out how to run the package and have decided to test the server via apache benchmark ab Passing in POST data to ab turned out to be cumbersome I settled for hey

The Server

For our server, we use the functionalities provided by nodeJs’s http package. To read our post data, we just read the input chunk by chunk. We could try to parse the body, check the boundaries as there could be more than one file. But for brevity sakes, we’d assume every line is a csv entry after we check for the telltale boundary demarcations (--------------------------) and the content information Content-Type, Content-Length and perhaps Content-Disposition. The original app I was involved in that sparked interest in this investigation, we used multer, then parsed the contents of the file by using csv.Parse. We then validated each line using the formidable Joi. Looking back, I think we could have ditched multer, using multipart to parse the form data, as we had other fields in the payload. (right, enough nostalgia and introspection, ahead we go)

On receiving a POST request, we invoke the streamBody function which does some processing. When the data ends, we invoke a successCallBack passed into the function. For deugging sakes, we save the amount of times we called the processing function. We also define helper methods to return json / text responses.

The Loggers

We begin our experimentation here, we define some loggers in the loggers.js file. We use winston as it allows for different transports. We will experiment with the File and Console transports. I also define two more loggers:

The benchmarking tools

Since we are tracking latency, we’d let curl handle tracking the response times.

Using curl to track response times

curl -X POST http://localhost:9000 -H "authorization: xxxx" --form file='@filename'  -w "\n%{time_starttransfer}\n"

Using apache benchmark tool (ab)

ab -n 1000 -c 100 -p csv_parse_one.json -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'authorization: $TOKEN' http://localhost:9000

Using hey

hey -m POST -n 1000 -c 10 -D server/fifty_k.csv  http://localhost:9000/ >> plain_console_log_10_50k.txt

All through yesterday, I spent time trying to prove my hypothesis, that logging had a noticeable impact on latency. I had noticed this while building the app, we debugged validation errors after processing a line of data. Processing 2m records took 8s, removing the log line dropped down the response time to 1 - 2 seconds. Hence, here we are.

As an aside, you really should not be processing 2m line csv files from the end user in a request-response cycle. Youre better off having the user provide a link to the file hosted in the cloud (Google Drive, Dropbox, S3 bucket (if your users are savvy)) then processing it in the background. Our use case had to cater for 200k lines of csv (which we handled in under 1 second).


Logging does take a toll on the overrall speed of your application, its work the cpu has to do. Logging is also usually sync, for nodejs, this is extra bad since we are limited to a single thread. Our benchmarking setup was

Hey’s output lists req.write, DNS+dialup and DNS-lookup amongst the details, Im unsure if these entries are included in the response time histogram and overral summary.

hey -m POST -n 1000 -c 10 -D server/fifty_k.csv  http://localhost:9000/ >> plain_console_log_10_50k.txt

Initially, I used a file with 2 million csv entries and 10000 requests with concurrency set to 10. Unfortunately, it took too long and I could not notice any difference, so I switched to the aforementioned configuration.

The benchmarks are provided here

Making sense of the results

The major surprise for me was that using the file transport performed faster, I’m so surprised I had to run the benchmark again before completing this post. While Ive not looked at the code, I can only assume the eventual call to write to the file may be:

Overall, my case is made by comparing the throughput of just piping the output of the app to a file or stream (as 12 Factor App suggests) against the result of just logging a few lines to the console (which is sync and im assuming must wait for an ack of some sort). 304.94 v 140 is quite staggering. Thats more than double the throughput without doing anything Also, just piping (leaving the OS to handle) the logs as against very little logging also has some difference in throughput 304.94 v 290.12

Now, I want to know what the default behavior is for docker when you call console.*, pipe to OS?

Something else I noticed was that the chunk size and hence, number of iterations needed to process the file flunctuated by load and log use. In summary, check your hot path folks, don’t log what you don’t need. Logging comes at a cost.

Industry recommendations

The Twelve Factor App in their entry on logs recommend that an application

should not attempt to write to or manage logfiles. Instead, each running process writes its event stream, unbuffered, to stdout. During local development, the developer will view this stream in the foreground of their terminal to observe the app’s behavior.

In staging or production deploys, each process’ stream will be captured by the execution environment, collated together with all other streams from the app, and routed to one or more final destinations for viewing and long-term archival. These archival destinations are not visible to or configurable by the app, and instead are completely managed by the execution environment.

How to send post data with Apache Benchmark tool

Originally published on March 27, 2021.
perf observability